Jobst Heitzig wrote:
Dear folks,

I forgot the name of the following multi-winner method:

1. Each candidate ranks all candidates, herself on top.
2. Each voter votes for one candidate.
3. The candidate who holds the smallest number of votes is excluded and her votes are transfered to the next candidate on her list who is still in the race.
4. Step 3 is repeated until the sought number of candidates remains.

Does anyone know how this is called? Perhaps STV-something?

That's just the multiwinner adaptation of IRV. I don't think it has a formal name, but here's how I've defined (naive) multiwinner adaptations in my simulations:

Take single-winner method X. Produce a social ordering, then if there are k winners to be elected, pick the k highest ranked on the social ordering, and elect them.

The social ordering of IRV is opposite of its elimination order: the one who's eliminated in the first round is ranked last, and so on.


That is, unless "the next candidate on her list" is the next candidate on the *candidate*'s list, in which case it would be a sort of STV-Asset/Party-list hybrid.
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