At 02:42 AM 12/24/2008, Juho Laatu wrote:
> ... the Condorcet voting system will never get off the ground
> so long as a 5% FP Condorcet winner is a realistic scenario,
> as it is when
> the current (pre-reform) political system is so dominated
> by two big political parties.

The question is if methods that may
regularly elect a 5% first place support
Condorcet winner can be politically

That a 5% first-preference support candidate could be the Condorcet winner is radically improbable under anything like current conditions. For it to happen would probably take very different conditions, which would probably mean that we don't have a clue as to what would be politically acceptable.

I can easily imagine such a winner with Asset used single-winner, and there wouldn't be any question about legitimacy, it would be *obviously* legitimate.

One reason supporting this approach is
that most single-winner methods are
designed to always elect compromise
winners. (Some methods like random ballot
are an exception since they give all
candidates a proportional probability to
become elected.)

Random ballot hasn't a snowball's chance, I'd say. Even though the theory might support it, I wouldn't vote for it! Not unless there is some prefiltering. I'd support random ballot in close elections where the winner isn't clear. It could cause some defacto proportional representation, and I know of a prominent and very important -- to me -- organization where that is done.

In electing delegates to the General Service Conference, area conferences hold repeated ballots; they are seeking a two-thirds vote supporting the delegate. If it can't be found within a certain number of ballots or time, I'm not sure which, the winner is selected at random from among the top two.

AA is an organization which seeks general consensus, and this approach gives minority positions some representation, they've been using it for more than fifty years. "Some representation" is enough when consensus is being sought....

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