At 10:28 PM 1/4/2009, Dave Ketchum wrote:
On Sun, 04 Jan 2009 16:16:14 -0500 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Perhaps. Perhaps not. That can be a *lot* of preparation, and people are busy, many don't already, find time for voting. Bullet voting is simple, it can be relatively easy to know who your favorite is.

Agreed that bullet voting is often appropriate.

Only occasional elections provide reason for some voters to do more ranking.

And only certain voters. It's relatively uncommon that there are more than two frontrunners, and most voters know who they are. Under those circumstances, the only strong reason not to bullet vote is if you prefer someone other than a frontrunner, and care to express it. The argument for Plurality would be that the system shouldn't be encouraging "useless candidates" to run at all! That is, since vote-for-one usually works, and the only reason it doesn't work (usually, and even this is fairly unusual) is that some silly voters will throw away their vote on a candidate who can't win, why should we respect the unexpressed wishes of those voters? After all, they had their chance! We don't run elections as a popularity contest, i.e., so minor party candidates can brag about how many votes they got....

*My* point here is that there are some reasons to prefer plurality, we often neglect them completely. Whatever system we try to implement, it's not likely to be stable if it is more work than it's worth. If all the system does is to, nearly always, confirm Plurality results -- and this is the case with IRV in nonpartisan elections -- it is a *huge* waste.

Even if runoffs are possible/expected, it is wise to vote carefully in the primary to minimize possibility of bad choices getting to the runoff.
And when it isn't easy to know, having trouble deciding between two, Open Voting (Approval) allows a simple option: vote for both!

What is important is that Condorcet, unlike Approval, permits voting for both Good and Soso, while indicating that Good is preferred.

Right. However, with American Preferential Voting (Bucklin), you *can* indicate your preferences. My point is only that equal ranking, if allowed, can be, actually, more expressive.

Looking over the ballots from Burlington, as I just did, I'm struck by how many voters do seem to imagine that their votes will be counted! Overvotes are more common than I'd expect if they were mere slips. It is very easy for me to imagine that voters think that if they vote for more than one candidate in one of the ranks, why, the votes will be counted, they are merely saying that, for first preference, they prefer either the Progressive or the Democrat, or some other combination. The fact is that if such votes were counted, they'd make sense, even in IRV. (Allowing equal ranking turns IRV into a much better system than without it.)

Those concerned about Later-No-Harm can simply avoid equal ranking!

If any Condorcet method is used, it should allow equal ranking, because this *allows* more sincere voting, in fact.

AGREED that equal ranking should be permitted.

Permitting it with Plurality turns Plurality into a far better system, with no cost. Bucklin is very much like Open Voting (i.e., plurality with equal ranking allowed, i.e., Approval) except that it is possible for the voter to rank so that votes are counted in rounds. The original Bucklin only allowed multiple votes in the third rank, but I don't see any reason to *prohibit it* -- i.e., discard ballots that equal rank -- in the first two ranks.

It makes one less reason to discard and not count a vote....

In the Burlington election, there were 77 "blank" ballots, if we can believe the images. I suspect that, in fact, some of these weren't blank, but that they had no vote in the first rank. Another technical reason to discard a ballot. A voter thinks, "I really don't like any of these guys much, so I'll just leave the first preference blank -- not realizing that, probably, by the rules, the ballot won't be counted at all." IRV is *complicated.*

On a Bucklin ballot, I'd argue, abstaining from the first rank shouldn't cause later ranked votes not to be counted. (And I'd argue that there is no reason in IRV to not count ballots with a vote in second rank, but none if first. The intended meaning is reasonably clear.)

However, majority vote and avoidance of all runoffs are two incompatible goals. So the question is, how important is it that a majority of those voting support the winner?

The CW has been compared with EACH other candidate, and found better liked in every case. However this does not guarantee a majority, since voters are not each required to rank all candidates.

That's right. And, in fact, it could only be a small minority who so voted, i.e., that the winner was "better liked." Majority requirements *require* that the electorate actually consider and accept or reject a winner.

When there is a cycle its 3 or more members would each be CW if compared
only with non-cycle members.  For this I claim near-ties since their
strengths overlap.
I'd say it is a bare minimum! We have a defective democracy when we elect with other than a majority, either of voters directly, or through chosen representatives. Where representation is involved, we have a defective democracy even with a majority!

Plurality NEEDS majority for, if top candidate gets less, another could deserve the win and these voters cannot completely express their desires in their votes.

All methods need majorities to satisfy basic democratic norms. Democratic process, in deliberative bodies, generally avoids multiple-choice questions; where such questions are allowed, as in elections, a majority is required, just as it is with bivalued (Yes/No) questions.

Condorcet has less need, for its voters can rank all the candidates they approve of.

Less need, perhaps. It's possible that the Condorcet winner is a winner by a majority over all other candidates. Advanced voting systems, in general, can be used as devices to avoid unnecessary runoffs.

But Condorcet methods without some test of acceptance can fail rather badly. It could be that the majority would reject the Condorcet winner, given a choice of electing the person or running the whole election over, and the only reason it appeared that this was the Condorcet winner was that, say, voters fully ranked, and some of those who formed the majority in some of the wins were actually saying that this was the second-worst candidate, which could be pretty bad....

If you are going to use pure ranking, with a single ballot, Cordorcet is king, so to speak. But that's an artificial limitation.

I do agree that if a better method is used (like Range or Score Voting), a Condorcet test should be used to ensure that the Condorcet winner isn't unconciously rejected. A runoff is needed to test this. If we have a conflict between a Range winner and a Condorcet winner, what has happened is that there may be a majority -- or a plurality -- with a weak preference, against a minority with a strong preference. Social utility theory would say that the Range winner is better; but the votes imply that a majority would reject that winner in favor of the Condorcet winner. For reasons I've described many times, I claim that a genuine Range winner will prevail in a runoff, and that this would be the best result. But occasionally, that would not happen, and the Condorcet winner would prevail; what might be happening here is that the majority is saying, "No, we do *not* want to give up our right of decision as a majority, we don't accept the Range results as valid, or, for whatever reason, we, in the majority, don't want to make the sacrifice."

And that is their right.

But it won't happen very often....

Therefore I recommend careful thought as to when runoffs may be worth their expense.

Sure. Little work has been done on this. Some systems require a runoff when the margin is less than a certain percentage. That makes sense.... Ideally, whatever system is used would predict what would happen in a runoff, with reasonable accuracy, and then hold a real runoff only when the possibility of a different result is significant.

Looking at the Burlington results, even though Bob Kiss did not gain a majority of the votes, as reported by IRV, it's highly likely that he'd win a real runoff against the runner-up, Miller, his margin was large enough and there is no particular reason for it to disappear. In fact, if we look at the second-choice votes, both he and Miller gained a majority of first and second-choice votes. My guess is that Bucklin would have returned a majority victory for him. IRV concealed a lot of votes for Kiss underneath votes for Miller, and a lot of votes for Miller underneath votes for Kiss. More Miller votes were concealed than Kiss votes: the Kiss supporters were less likely to vote for Miller in second place than the reverse.

Were it Bucklin, *some* voters would have truncated, not voting for the other frontrunner. But, my guess, most wouldn't have truncated, and so Kiss would have still obtained a majority. (There was a lot of truncation, bullet voting, even with IRV.)

In the other direction, there were many voters, far more than I expected, who *fully ranked,* so fully that they essentially voted for every candidate against any write-in. (There was even one voter who ranked all the candidates *and* wrote in a name in the last place, overvoting that position.) Imagine what would happen if there was a serious write-in candidacy in such an environment. These full-ranking voters may have just voted for their worst nightmare, thinking that by ranking this candidate "last," they were maximally voting against him or her.

In this sense, three-rank IRV might be better....

(Burlington had five candidates on the ballot plus one write-in slot, hence, because apparently they wanted to allow full ranking, they allowed five ranks. The idea is that bottom rank is unexpressed. So you could vote for your total favorite in first rank, say, then for the best four of the other five candidates. But many voters seemed to think that the fifth rank was the bottom, and it's apparent that many tried to use burial strategy, bottom ranking the perceived competitor, while giving a higher rank to a total joke candidate who they would probably be horrified to elect. On the other hand, surprisingly many voters *wrote in* a name in the fifth rank.)

BTW - cost of ballot support for complete ranking can tempt limits on Condorcet ranking. How bad should we complain if offered 3 as in RCV?

It's not the worst problem. Center squeeze is the worst problem.

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