I think that one problem with devising a multiwinner method is that we don't quite know what it should do. PAV type optimization methods try to fix this, but my simulations don't give them very favorable scores.

If we are to construct a multiwinner method that degrades gracefully, we probably need to have an idea of what, exactly, it should do, beyond just satisfying Droop proportionality (for instance). The problem with building a method primarily to satisfy a certain criterion is that if the criterion is broken slightly, then the criterion does not tell us how the method should work; and therefore, we might get "discontinuous" methods where the method elects a certain set if a Droop quota supports it, but a completely different group if the Droop quota less one supports that set.

So let's consider a case one may use to justify Condorcet, or to classify Condorcetian methods: if politics is one dimensional, and people prefer candidates closer to them on the line, then there will be a Condorcet winner, and the CW is the candidate closest to the median voter, and (if we think electing the CW is a good idea), we should elect the candidate closest to the median voter.

This case, or general heuristic, seems to be simple to generalize, and one may do so in this manner: call a position the nth k-ile position if n/k of the voters are closer to 0. Then, a multiwinner method that elects k winners should, if politics is one-dimensional, pick the candidate closest to the first (k+1)-ile position, then closest to the second (k+1)-ile position (first candidate notwithstanding as he's already elected), etc, up to k.

To be more concrete, in a 2-candidate election, the first candidate should be the one closest to the point where 33% of the voters are below (closer to zero than) this candidate, and the second candidate should be the one closest to the point where 67% of the voters are below this candidate, the first candidate notwithstanding.

This heuristic covers only the one-dimensional case, but it is at least continuous if the comparison of a particular election *is* one-dimensional, and thus should reduce discontinuity problems.

Plurality party list methods can be modeled as instances where each voter is located at the position of the party they voted for, since that is all a Plurality vote lets us infer. Say that 52% are located at party A, and 48% at party B, and that WLOG, A's location on the line is closer to 0 than is B's. Then the count starts at A, and proceeds as such, electing candidates from A's list until A has its share, at which point it jumps closer to B. In essence, party list becomes a equal-rank plurality version where everybody either votes A1 = ... = An or B1 = ... = Bn.

The problem of synthesizing the distribution on the political line still remains, though. If people vote rationally (that is, that there is no noise), one can get some extent of the way by observing

        eee A fff ggg B hhh iii C jjj

The e faction would vote A > B > C. So would the f faction, while the g faction would vote B > A > C and the h faction, B > C > A. The i and j faction votes C > B > A. Noise votes are A > C > B and C > A > B.

However, while this gives us some information as to the relative sizes of the factions, it does not tell us whether (say) the e faction is large because there's a peak of support there, or because the others are more extreme, like this:

        eeeeeeee A ff gg B hh ii C jj

In the case of Condorcet, it doesn't matter, since Black's single-peakedness theorem says that in the one-dimensional case with voters preferring candidates closer to them, there'll always be a CW and that CW is the candidate closest to the median voter.

Can we use this to make "multiwinner Condorcet" where the k-ile property holds? To do so, I would have to understand the aforementioned single-peakedness theorem to know how it works, which I don't.

If I were to make a guess, I think it's because Condorcet removes the other candidates from each pairwise check. Assume A is the median candidate. Then on A vs B, A is closer to more voters than B is. If that is all that's needed, then we could imagine a Condorcet analog where if a voter is closer to A or B than to C or D, it counts as a win for {A, B}. If a council {X,Y} is a CW in this way, and X is closer to 0 than is Y, is then X closest to the 33% position, and is Y closest to the 67% position? I don't know.

In any case, even if I'm right about the above, we have to figure out what "{A, B} is closer than {C, D}" means. If a voter ranks A > B > C > D or B > A > C > D, it's pretty obvious that {A, B} is closer. But what of A > C > B > D or C > A > D > B ? And is it possible to make a system that picks the (k+1)-ile closest candidates without having to go through all possible combinations of the council in the worst case?


This may have been a bit meandering, but I wrote it as I went on. My general idea is this: multiwinner election is not as well defined as single-winner election, so I tried to find a way of defining it better by referring to issue space, and in a way so that it reduces to Condorcet in the single-winner case. Then I wrote a bit about the limitations of this (that we can't infer the shape of the curve in issue space from ranking alone), and that perhaps we don't need the shape of that curve - but on that, I'm uncertain, since I don't know Black's theorem.

There's also the problem of noise and multiple dimensions to consider, but let's keep this simple :-)

Any ideas, replies?
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