Good Morning, Michael

Here's a copy of my post on the WDDM site:

Good Morning, All

I haven't been active for some time. One factor is that I've lost contact with Roy Daine, who was one of the clearest thinking advocates of Direct Democracy I've met. The circumstances under which our exchanges ceased lead me to fear the worst.

I'm writing now to be sure you are aware of Michael Allan's effort to make Direct Democracy real, rather than a topic of discussion. He has created a software package called Votorola. It is designed to combine collaborative drafting with communicative assent to build a consensus on the composition of societal norms (i.e., laws, plans and policies).

If you have a genuine interest in including everyone in the governmental process, this is an effort worthy of your careful examination. Michael makes it available for implementation by any-sized community. As an introduction, I urge you to review the material at:

and then continue throughout the site to examine and evaluate the full process. It is important to note that (in my opinion) Michael is less concerned with 'carrying the torch for democracy' than he is with the much more valuable task of making democracy a reality.

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