I added a line to print out the remaining candidates, in decreasing order of
remaining reweighted ballots, as soon as all seats were filled. (After first
finding that if I actually ran the leftover protocol, it only gave one
candidate, because after all the reweighting up to that point, all remaining
voters had rated C112 at least 1, or had rated all unelected candidates at

Here are the results:

[(2.3733215978628448, 'C112'), (2.2897381094867288, 'C107'),
(2.2889828846114861, 'C116'), (2.0589562392103486, 'C114'),
(1.9386972538747298, 'C115'), (1.8028994309791222, 'C113'),
(1.6913049936093174, 'C111')]

So that should be appended to my earlier results to give a full ranking.


2011/6/25 Warren Smith <warren....@gmail.com>

> The musical group who wanted me to process their election, actually wanted,
> not
> a list of 9 winners, but actually an ordering of all 16 candidates,
> top 9 being the winners.
> --
> Warren D. Smith
> http://RangeVoting.org  <-- add your endorsement (by clicking
> "endorse" as 1st step)
> and
> math.temple.edu/~wds/homepage/works.html
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