On 4/5/12 2:36 AM, Richard Fobes wrote:
Great news: The online newspaper named "Democracy Chronicles" wants to write an article about our "Declaration of Election-Method Reform Advocates"!

The article also will cover what goes on in this election-method forum.

Below are the questions that editor Adrian Tawfik is inviting us to answer. Clarifications follow the questions.

Question 1.  Your name and the city and country you work in.

   Robert Bristow-Johnson
   Burlington, Vermont, USA

Question 2.  What is your Company or Organization?

self employed. when i get work, it's usually about signal processing of audio and music signals.

Question 3. Any contact info you wish to give to be published with article for readers (for example your email or website.)


Question 4. If you have signed the Declaration, is there any additional information, beyond what's in your signature, that you feel is important to mention?

Question 5. If you have not signed the Declaration, why?

i had a couple of problems. two that i remember is that it cited the 2009 Mayoral election in my town, Burlington Vermont, as an example of the failure of Instant Runoff Voting, and, indeed IRV *did* fail that year (and has been repealed the following year, by a small margin). but the reason given for the dissatisfaction of Burlingtonians mentioned in the declaration is not accurate. the Burlington voters are not as sophisticated as folks on the election-methods list or otherwise engaged in election reform. the reason given is more of a reflection of what persons who study these different methods have for rejecting IRV, but voters that voted to repeal IRV in Burlington believed (incorrectly, IMO) that IRV robbed the Plurality winner of his legitimate election. most of us on this list understand that the root to the failure of IRV that year was that the Condorcet winner (a.k.a. the "pairwise champion") was not elected.

the *main* problem that i had not signed was that the message of the solution is diluted among many alternatives, most IMO, have an ice-cube's chance in hell in ever being adopted in a governmental election. i am convinced that only the Approval ballot or the Ranked ballot (which is the same ballot used in IRV) has any chance of adoption. except for contests (like the Olympics), i am convinced that the Score ballot (used also in Majority Judgment) has utterly no chance of ever being adopted. this is mainly that complicated ballot structure and instructions will be rejected immediately by voters and legislatures.

my objection to the Approval ballot is that it leads *immediately* to burdening voters with a tactical decision (which is the main reason we adopted IRV over Plurality in the first place). the voter has to decide whether or not to approve of his/her 2nd choice (and possibly his/her 3rd choice) and, even if the voter is savvy, making the best decision (to best promote this voter's political interests) requires accurate polling data so that voter knows which candidates are truly contending for the elected office.

that leaves the Ranked ballot (the same as IRV and it has also been used historically in Bucklin voting), but a Condorcet-compliant method of tabulating these ranked ballots is far better than IRV. i think Bucklin is just too goofy to be used for anything, and had been surprised to learn that it had actually been used in governmental elections in the U.S. in the past.

Question 6. Briefly explain what characteristics you think are most important for a voting method to have?

fairness. this mostly means equal influence by each voter with franchise ("One person, one vote). any method should resolve the election precisely as the "simple majority" method would between two candidates. this means simply, that if a simple majority of voters express on their ballots that Candidate A is a better choice than Candidate B, then Candidate B should not be elected.

simplicity. both in ballot form and instructions. voters should not be faced with some complicated ballot when all they want to do is vote for the candidate(s) they like. and the method of tabulating the ballots and picking the winner should be *conceptually* simple, even if it might take a computer to do it.

avoiding the burden of tactical voting. this is related to "simplicity" but it is an issue only if there are more than two candidates. we do not want to place a burden upon voters to have to decide whether to vote for the candidate they really like vs. compromising and voting for the candidate they think *can* get elected and isn't one they hate. it's about avoiding the typical "spoiler problem". this is also necessary so that Independents and Third Parties have an even playing field in the election. with Plurality, many voters who might prefer an Independent or Third-party candidate will think that only the major parties really can get elected and they will not want to waste their vote. so they vote for the major-party candidate that they dislike the least and two major parties are entrenched in our politics. then we all are stuck with a choice between Dumb and Dumber in some elections when there exists a Smart alternative.

decisiveness. delayed runoffs are a bummer. when an election goes to runoff, then *all* sorts of money gets poured into the race as the legitimate loser tries to pull victory out of the jaws of defeat. about half as many voters turn out for the runoff as do for the original election. elections decided by fewer voters are less "democratic" (representative of the will of the electorate) than those where the turnout is large. elections should be fully decided the evening of Election day, unless the vote margins are sooo small that a recount is in order.

transparency. IRV has a problem that neither Plurality nor Condorcet nor Approval nor Score voting has. IRV is not "precinct summable" because, for the entire jurisdictions ballots are transferred from one pile (belonging to a candidate who is being eliminated) to other piles (the voters' alternate choices) and this must be done at a central location. so the Precinct or Ward Clerks cannot simply count votes on location and provide these sub-totals to interested parties (like the media and the campaigns) for them to total up separately to check on the official election results. a physical instrument representing each ballot (usually a thumb drive) must be transported securely from the precincts to the central location where all the ballots are dealt with. some people might wonder if something fishy happens in that transport or even in the software that does the counting at the central location. this can sometimes reflect negatively on the legitimacy of the election.

Question 7. What do you think is the most important election reform needed where you live (either locally or nationally)? Why is this reform important?
we must reduce the influence of big money. the most important reform of our time in the U.S. is reversing the Citizens United ruling and previous Supreme Court Rulings that equate free speech with money. doing so will reduce the election season (which is continuous with the U.S. presidential election, Romney has been running continuously since 2006 or 2007) and save literally billions of dollars.

i think that, in a utopian context, the Ranked ballot decided by a Condorcet method, should be routinely used in all elections. i would like to see the virtual stranglehold of influence of the two major parties reduced.

Question 8. What is your opinion on other aspects of election reform such as reforming money's role in politics or redistricting (particularly in the US but very interested as well concerning election reforms internationally)?

well i consider the money problem to be even worse than the Plurality problem.

i do not have a solution to redistricting (here in Vermont, it is *not* a very contentious issue, they are finishing it now and it has tri-partisan support), but i think it should be left to *commissions*, not the legislatures who are exactly the people affected by the decisions.

also, i am not sure that the method of Congressional apportionment (the "Huntington-Hill method") between the states is the method that makes the most sense from a mathematical and simplicity POV.


* This article is about our Declaration, and about the election-method reform concepts you think are the most important. If you want to propose an article about a different topic, I'm sure that Adrian would be happy to consider it.

i can send Adrian a pdf of a paper i wrote in 2009 right after i discovered that the IRV election failed to elect the pairwise champion (a.k.a. Condorcet winner) entitled something like "The Failure of Instant Runoff Voting to accomplish the very goals for which it was adopted. A case study in Burlington Vermont." it basically dissects what happened in the infamous Burlington 2009 mayoral election and how Condorcet would have corrected the problem.


r b-j                  r...@audioimagination.com

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

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