Below are the questions that editor Adrian Tawfik is inviting us to
answer. Clarifications follow the questions.

Question 1. Your name and the city and country you work in.

Richard Fobes, Portland, Oregon, United States

Question 3. Any contact info you wish to give to be published with
article for readers (for example your email or website.)

Question 6. Briefly explain what characteristics you think are most
important for a voting method to have?

To produce fair results, a voting method should look deeply into the voter preferences. The current approach of voters only being allowed to mark a single choice, and then using an overly simplistic counting method (plurality), is a huge failure to look beneath the surface of voter preferences. In contrast, I think a voter should be allowed to rank all the candidates from most preferred to least preferred, and the counting method should fully rank all the choices from most popular and second-most popular down to least popular. If a method correctly identifies the least-popular choice, then voters can better trust that the method also correctly identifies who deserves to win.

Question 7. What do you think is the most important election reform
needed where you live (either locally or nationally)? Why is this reform

I believe that the election reform that is most needed in the United States is to ban the use of single-mark ballots in Congressional elections, including primary elections. This ban would allow us, the majority of voters, to fill Congress with problem-solving leaders instead of special-interest puppets. This reform is more important than reforming Presidential elections because the job of the President is to enforce the laws that Congress writes, and because it would dramatically weaken Congressional lobbyists (who have far more power than Presidential advisers).

Question 8. What is your opinion on other aspects of election reform
such as reforming money's role in politics or redistricting
(particularly in the US but very interested as well concerning election
reforms internationally)?

Banning single-mark ballots in Congressional elections would eliminate vote splitting, which is a weakness of plurality counting that the biggest campaign contributors have learned to exploit in ways that involve money. Using better ballots and better counting methods would enable a problem-solving leader to more easily win a Congressional (primary or general) election running against a money-backed incumbent, even if the money-backed incumbent greatly outspent the reform-minded candidate.

I believe that the solution to the redistricting problem in the United States (and similarly in each state) is to slightly more than double the size of Congressional districts, and then fill each district's second seat with the candidate who is most popular among the voters who are not well-represented by the winner of the first seat, which is what "VoteFair representation ranking" deeply calculates. In a typical such district, one Republican and one Democrat would win that district's two seats, regardless of where the district boundaries are drawn. Additionally a few "proportional" seats would be filled based on the voters' party-preference information, with the candidate being selected by "VoteFair partial-proportional ranking." This adjustment would compensate for any roundoff errors that occur in filling the district-based seats, and would ensure that the majority of each state's Congressional representatives are from the same political party as the state's majority of voters. To the extent that the Republican party and the Democratic party continue to be excessively influenced by money instead of votes, third-party candidates would win the proportional seats, and that outcome would force the two main parties to adopt at least some of the reforms promoted by the most popular third parties.

Richard Fobes

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