Be more specific about your suggestion for dealing with divided majority.

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 11:35 PM,  <dn...@aol.com> wrote:
> Divided Majorities - Number Votes Matrix - Left Vote Shifts
> Divided Majorities
> Standard divided majority problem -
> A, B and Z
> 26 ABZ
> 25 BAZ
> 49 Z??
> Is A or B the lesser of evils for some Z voters ???
> With more choices, both the majority and minority will likely be even more
> divided.
> ---------
> Number Votes Matrix - Left Vote Shifts
> Each voter has N-1 numbered nominal *YES* votes for N choices.
> Total the YES votes for each choice.
> The votes for each loser get shifted left.
> Repeat until the number to be elected remain.
> Example - 10 candidates, elect 1
> 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 = 9 elimination rounds with vote shifts left.

> Related matter - majority votes for filling number blanks.
> Example-
> Percent of GDP for taxes --
> 0 to 100 percent in 1 percent units.
> Each legislator/voter picks a percentage
> Report the votes per percentage.
> Accumulate from 100 downward to get a bare majority of the total votes.
> i.e. NO endless amendments about filling number blanks.
> ----

Yes, choosing the median of all the proposed values is a good way of
making a numerical choice. ...probably, unless it would have a problem
that I don't know about.

The public could thereby vote directly on such things as the various
marginal tax-rates, for various income-brackets; and on budget

Michael Ossipoff

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