On 04/07/2013 03:59 AM, Ross Hyman wrote:
More general variant: Candidate sets of N candidates are notated by
Greek letters.


You said that this method was based on a cloneproof single-winner method.

Woodall generalized the clone criteria in http://www.votingmatters.org.uk/issue3/p5.htm to "Clone-in", "Clone-no-harm", and "Clone-no-help", so clone independence could more easily be applied to multiwinner methods. He noted that "Clone-no-harm" conflicts with the DPC, and generally, isn't desirable in proportional multiwinner methods.

My question is then: do you know whether the multiwinner method you've given passes the clone independence criteria useful for multiwinner methods (i.e. "clone-in" and "clone-no-help")?

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