At 22:45 16/05/2006, you wrote:

> > >Quelqu'un a des nouvelles de notre ami le pilote allemand ?
> >
> > Il est sorti de prison hier après-midi mais on lui a confisqué son
> > passeport en attendant la suite de l'enquête.
>Je suppose qu'il a un bon avocat et tout le bazar ?

Dernière minute:

Guy R.
Yesterday night, the public prosecutor begged pilot Stefan W. for pardon for
treating him in an injustice way. Stefan got his passport back and is free
to leave the country after completing the paper work the authorities demand.

Basis for the new assessment were tests on Monday morning with a scanner.
The 35 MHz band which is designated and recommended for control of model
aircrafts exclusive for all countries of the European Union had been
transferred by a regional radio station. Especially the channels 61, 62 and
63 are totally blocked in rotation; Stefan's channel is 62. Tuesday morning,
today, measurements showed the same result. Name and place of the radio
station had not been revealed by the authorities, nor the kind of
transmission the station is supposed to do.

Organiser of the annual airshow is the Aeroclub of Szekszárd, with access to
the great flying field of Öcsény. Stefan W. arrived one week early for
training on the field; he had been invited the fourth time. To exclude any
risk he uses to check his frequency day by day with a small electro model,
testing the range of his transmitter before launching his Pitts Special (two
cylinder boxer 157 ccm). He never experienced any transfer despite very
small and short interferences on Friday and during his first show-flight on
Saturday. But on his second flight he suddenly lost control totally. In
about 20 m height the failsafe function of his model took over. The model
went out of control several hundred meters from the field into the
spectators' area and crashed between the people in panic.

During the airshow, the organiser exercised the normal safety routine with
checking of the frequencies and issuing of the transmitters to the pilots
only at the beginning of their preparation.

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