Pour enfoncer un peu le clou, pas d'incantations ni de vaudou mais une recherche ciblée sur Google ou tout autre moteur de recherche permet d'éviter ce troll électrique ....

Un parmi d'autres:

Hobbico (plus gros importateur et distributeur américain):
voir page disposal

Loughborough University (Université HK),%20handling%20and%20storage%20and%20disposal%20of%20lithium%20polymer%20batteries.pdf

Thunderpower (Marque de Lipo réputée)
Discharge the battery until its voltage reaches 1.0V per cell or
lower. For resistive load type discharges, discharge the battery for up to 24 hours.
5. Submerse the battery into bucket or tub of salt water. This container should have a lid,
but it should not need to be air-tight. Prepare a plastic container (do not use metal) of cold
water. And mix in 1/2 cup of salt per gallon of water. Drop the battery into the salt water.
Allow the battery to remain in the tub of salt water for at least 2 weeks.
6. Remove the LiPo battery from the salt water, wrap it in newspaper or paper towels and
place it in the normal trash. They are landfill safe.

Un peu plus technique:
All Panasonic Lithium Ion batteries are classified by the federal government as non-hazardous waste and are safe for disposal in the normal municipal waste stream. These batteries, however, do contain recyclable materials and are accepted for recycling by the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation's (RBRC) Battery Recycling Program.

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