I run elinks on a 256-capable xterm.

I have found that you can toggle three color schemes via the % keyboard
action - this is apparently meant to improve readability for certain web

The default color scheme in my setup has a light background and appears
to do its best to render pages as closely as possible to what the page

If I press % I have access to two more color schemes with a dark
background. The main difference between these two appears to be that
one uses only the 8/16 basic colors while the other uses the extended
color capabilities of the underlying xterm (?)

Are these aspects documented?

In mozilla for instance I have access to a palette of ~70 colors that I
can use to colorize the different text components on a web page - such
as make unvisited links some shade of blue.. visited links some shade
of red etc. Elinks appears to  have a different philosophy. Apart from
the "%" that lets you switch between three pre-established color
schemes I didn't find anything in the menus that would let you change
colors on the fly - when text is not very legible for instance, such as
a light grey on a white background for instance..

I am aware of the color.html test page that comes with the package but
that only confirmed my suspicion that I might not be using all the
capabilities of Elinks's enhanced color mode.

Apologies for the vagueness of my questions.. Any pointers welcome.


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