cga2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote Sun, Jun 04, 2006:
> On Sun, Jun 04, 2006 at 12:42:14PM EDT, Jonas Fonseca wrote:
> > cga2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote Sat, Jun 03, 2006:
> I'm somewhat sceptical about rgb distance calculators, though. There
> must be times when - with three dimensions.. there are two different
> choices.. or more.. and with human perception being what it is I am not
> convinced that even when there is just one mathematically correct choice
> it would be the natural choice that your average human would pick..

Well, zas and me discussed creating a more complex system for
configuring the "color model" (see doc/color-model.txt) but it never got
further than the above document and frankly I am not sure if it is worth
it. I think the color picker does an OK job, but maybe my color
blindness is just playing tricks with me.

> I can't spend as much time tinkering with elinks now as I would have
> liked so I'll probably live with it.

Ok, but if you feel like modding up your ELinks you should really try
the Spidermonkey Javascript scripting backend created by Miciah.  It's
fairly easy to get working on a debian system and it is currently one of
the most developed scripting backends for ELinks. Examples are in

> But why does the absence of the
> bgcolor attribute have different effects in elinks and graphical
> browsers such as mozilla?

Because the default background color in mozilla is white, where as you
said you have configured your default background color to be black or

> > Yes, the many config options is one of ELinks' biggest asset (and
> > weakness ;-).
> I really don't see it as a weakness at all. It's just that elinks - a
> bit like mutt - is really meant for people who know what they are doing.
> If like myself you know next to nothing about web stuff you should have
> the intelligence to accept it and live with some minor annoyances until
> you have the time to investigate further.

Having a sane default configuration is very important. The many options
is a weakness if you end up scaring new users away. If they feel they
have to know of all the little details.

> As far as user satisfaction
> goes I would have given mozilla six out of ten.. At this point in time,
> I would give elinks 7.5.. and apart from changing a few keyboard actions
> I haven't really done anything to customize it.  But it's nice to know
> that just about anything I may need to customize *is* customizable. 

Now you are just being nice. ;)

I recall some of the options stem from developers not agreeing on a good
default or rather, in a lot of cases it is easier to just add a new
option than arguing whether or not the feature request makes sense.

Jonas Fonseca
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