Oh, it looks just nesting views (I'm not familiar with ClojureScript
though). If so, the solution is much simpler. Like this:

container : List (Html msg) -> Html msg
container children =
    [  style [ ("padding", "20px") ] ]

full version

Isn't it working for you? I often use this pattern for popup.

2016-05-18 19:15 GMT+09:00 Daniel Kwiecinski <daniel.kwiecin...@gmail.com>:

> Here is a sketch of how it would look like in reagent (ClojureScript)
> ; a component taking a String as a model
> (defn hello-component [name]
>       [:p "Hello, " name "!"])
> ; a stateless component using another component
> (defn say-hello []
>       [hello-component "world"])
> ; a component taking a ratom (it's a signal in elm speak) as a model
> (defn reactive-hello-component [name]
>       [:p "Hello, " @name "!"])
> ; a component taking list of Strings as a model
> (defn list-hellos [names]
>       (for [n names]
>            [hello-component (str "hello " n)]))
> ; a wrapping components. take list of components as a parameter and wraps 
> them in pages
> (defn wrap-components [components]
>       (fn []
>           [:div {:class "components-wrapped-in-pages-so-we-can-swipe-them"}
>            (for [c components]
>                 [:div {:class "page"} c])]))
> (defn main-view []
>       (let [reactive-name (ratom "initial-name")
>             input-state (ratom "")]
>            [:div {:class "some-boilerplate"}
>             ; the two lines below are not following re-frame pattern. There 
> are there just to express I have the state which changes.
>             [:input {:onchange (fn [value] (!reset input-state value))}] ; 
> react to inout changes and pass the value to model (in re-frame instead of 
> directly updating the model we would send a signal (as in elm) and have 
> subscription react to the signal but for simplicity I ommit the patern)
>             [:button {:onclick #(!reset reactive-name @input-state)}] ; copy 
> the states on button click
>             [:span {:class 
> "here-come-generic-swipe-able-pages-wrapping-any-components"}
>              ; here is the usage of the wrapping container
>              (wrap-components [
>                                say-hello ; stateless component
>                                #(hello-component "some-fancy-name") ; #(...) 
> is lambda in clojure, here we close over some static state
>                                #(reactive-hello-component reactive-name) ; 
> #(...) here we close over some reactive state, so the component re-renders 
> when the model (state) changes
>                                #(list-hellos ["a" "b" "c"]) ; component 
> taking list as a state (model)
>                                ])]]))
> ; bind the main-view to DOM and start observing deltas to render if needed
> (defn ^:export run []
>       (r/render [main-view] (js/document.body)))
> On Wednesday, 18 May 2016 08:42:45 UTC+1, Peter Damoc wrote:
>> Can you mock some code that would show how would you like to use this?
>> Imagine that it is already implemented in some library and write against
>> that imaginary library.
>> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Daniel Kwiecinski <daniel.k...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> The problem is that the generic container component (Let's call it C) do
>>> not know about it potential children (let's call them X, Y, Z) . There is
>>> top level component (Let's call it T) which has a knowledge about all of
>>> them (it is the app). The C is in self contained package, you can consider
>>> it to implement material design list view. How Can I implement C so T can
>>> use T with X, Y, Z ?
>>> On Tuesday, 17 May 2016 15:09:36 UTC+1, Peter Damoc wrote:
>>>> Hi Daniel,
>>>> If you have a limited number of components you can unify them into one
>>>> kind of a component.
>>>> Here is a self contained example that unifies Counter and RandomGif and
>>>> then uses them in a single list.
>>>> https://gist.github.com/pdamoc/aef6306a9001de109aeece37e5627d06
>>>> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Daniel Kwiecinski <
>>>> daniel.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> So let me expand my scenario a little bit. Lets assume that the
>>>>> CounterList component is very feature heavy. It makes lots of work to
>>>>> layout its children, manages drag to sort or whatever fancy stuff you can
>>>>> imagine. Now in my app I have many instances of usage of CounterList and I
>>>>> want to apply the complex behaviour not only to counters but also to gif
>>>>> and to mixed counters with gifs and many many other possible 
>>>>> configurations
>>>>> (think in hundreds). I don't really want to implement dedicated
>>>>> CounterList, GifList, 2GifsWith3CountersList and other few hundreds
>>>>> SomethingBlaBlaList.
>>>>> Is it possible in elm at all? If yes how so?
>>>>> P.S. It is not imaginary question. I try to port existing application
>>>>> implemented in Re-Frame (ClojureScript framework) in which this scenario 
>>>>> is
>>>>> trivial.
>>>>> On Tuesday, 17 May 2016 13:33:27 UTC+1, Wil C wrote:
>>>>>> Daniel,
>>>>>> I think normally, you don't. I think the constraint here is that you
>>>>>> need to explicitly set the types of each of the sub-components for every
>>>>>> component that you make for a page. In the example that you give, you'd
>>>>>> actually need to create 4 types of components: TopLevel, Counter,
>>>>>> CounterList, and Gif.
>>>>>> TopLevel component would include CounterList and Gif. And then
>>>>>> CounterList would contain Counters. It is CounterList's job to 
>>>>>> dynamically
>>>>>> keep track of the number of Counters. That way, you don't need a generic
>>>>>> component to contain an unknown number of things with unknown types. And
>>>>>> then if those components need to talk to each other (Like once you add 5 
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> more counters, you see a funny cat gif), I believe you can send messages
>>>>>> through Cmds (in 0.17) or Effects (in <0.17).
>>>>>> With the hierarchical thinking of laying out components, I found that 
>>>>>> Thinking
>>>>>> in React
>>>>>> <https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/thinking-in-react.html>
>>>>>> helps.
>>>>>> If you find that you really need the flexibility of having different
>>>>>> components in a container, it's doable. But it comes at a cost. 
>>>>>> Generally,
>>>>>> if you're making a web app of some sort, it's not needed. I cover entity
>>>>>> component systems recently in another thread, and it's for games.
>>>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/elm-discuss/c9MhBzVPbr8
>>>>>> Wil
>>>>>> On Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 5:13:56 AM UTC-7, Daniel Kwiecinski wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Elmers,
>>>>>>> Here is my scenario. Say I have Main.elm which defines main view
>>>>>>> form my application. I also have bunch of other components (with their
>>>>>>> corresponding model  and message types) say Counter and Gif.
>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>> https://github.com/evancz/elm-architecture-tutorial/blob/master/nesting/Gif.elm
>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>> https://github.com/evancz/elm-architecture-tutorial/blob/master/nesting/Counter.elm
>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>> Now I'd like to create new generic component which as a parameter
>>>>>>> (initial value of its model?) takes list of any type of component (say 
>>>>>>> two
>>>>>>> counters, then one gif and another three counters) and wraps them into 
>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>> decorating html.
>>>>>>> The scenario serves as a illustration of the question, how do I
>>>>>>> implement components which can wrap lists of arbitrary component types.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Daniel
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>>>> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
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