Erik, I'm using this approach, it is very clean !


*Andrés Otárola Alvarado*
Software Engineer
Skype: andres.otarola.alvarado
Cel Chile: (+56) 8 415 2618
Cel US: (+1) (650) 307 3844

2016-07-15 0:21 GMT-07:00 Wayne Choi <>:

> Thanks for posting this!
> On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 9:28:18 PM UTC-7, Erik Lott wrote:
>> As a quick note to anyone struggling with how to perform app wide
>> inter-component communication in elm 0.17 (e.g. anyone building a
>> non-trivial SPA), here is one simple way to setup pubsub style
>> communication using Elm Ports and Subscriptions.
>> In this example, ChildOne will broadcast a message that ChildTwo is
>> listening for.
>> Ports.elm
>> *port* module Ports exposing (..)
>> -- dispatchSomeMessage will create a command with a
>> -- string payload representing an important message
>> -- to broadcast to listening components.
>> port *dispatchSomeMessage* : String -> Cmd msg
>> -- receiveSomeMessage is the port which our components
>> -- subscribe to receive the dispatched message
>> port *receiveSomeMessage* : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
>> The Ports.elm file contains all of the port specifications in the app. In
>> this case it defines a two ports: one port for dispatching a message, and
>> another for receiving a message. The module declaration at the top of the
>> file must be preceded by "port".
>> index.js
>> var app = Elm.Main.fullscreen();
>> app.ports.*dispatchSomeMessage*.subscribe(function(msg) {
>>     app.ports.*receiveSomeMessage*.send(msg);
>> });
>> This is where the behaviour of all ports are defined in javascript. In
>> this case the dispatchSomeMessage function is receiving a msg argument from
>> Elm, and then quickly sending that message back into Elm through the
>> receiveSomeMessage port.
>> ChildOne.elm
>> module ChildOne exposing (..)
>> import Ports exposing (..)
>> import Html exposing (Html, button, text)
>> import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
>> type alias Model = String
>> type Msg
>>     = Click
>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>> subscriptions model =
>>     Sub.none
>> update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
>> update msg model =
>>     case msg of
>>         Click ->
>>             ( model, *dispatchSomeMessage "Hello World!"* )
>> view : Model -> Html Msg
>> view model =
>>     button [ onClick Click ] [text "Click Me"]
>> ChildOne dispatches the message "Hello World!" through the
>> dispatchSomeMessage port when a button in the view is clicked. The message
>> is then routed from the dispatchSomeMessage port, directly back into the
>> receiveSomeMessage port as defined in index.js
>> ChildTwo.elm
>> module ChildTwo exposing (..)
>> import Ports exposing (..)
>> import Html exposing (Html, text)
>> type alias Model =
>>         { message : String }
>> type Msg
>>     = ChangeMessage String
>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>> subscriptions model =
>>     *receiveSomeMessage **ChangeMessage*
>> update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
>> update msg model =
>>     case msg of
>>         ChangeMessage msg ->
>>             ({ model | message = msg }, Cmd.none )
>> view : Model -> Html Msg
>> view model =
>>     text model.message
>> ChildTwo subscribes a ChangeMessage tag to the 'receiveSomeMessage' port.
>> When the port receives the "Hello World" message from ChildOne, ChildTwo
>> updates its models message, and re-renders the view.
>> Main.elm
>> module Main exposing (..)
>> import ChildOne
>> import ChildTwo
>> type alias Model =
>>     { childOneModel : ChildOne.model
>>     , childTwoModel : ChildTwo.model
>>     }
>> -- ..init func. nothing special here.
>> type Msg
>>     = ChildOneMsg ChildOne.Msg
>>     | ChildTwoMsg ChildTwo.Msg
>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>> subscriptions model =
>> *    Sub.batch*
>> *        [ ChildOneMsg (ChildOne.subscriptions
>> model. childOneModel)*
>> *        , ChildTwoMsg (ChildTwo.subscriptions
>> model. childTwoModel)*
>> *        ]*
>> -- .. update function. nothing special here.
>> main : Program Never
>> main =
>>     Html.App.program
>>         { init = init
>>         , update = update
>>         , view = view
>>         , subscriptions = subscriptions
>>         }
>> Main.elm batches the subscriptions defined in child components. That's
>> all there is to it. Nice and clean inter-component communication.
>> --
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