You should be able to do that.

If you have

type alias Model a =
   { a | newField : Int }


init : a -> Model ainit old = Model old 4

is exactly equivalent (in pre-0.16 Elm) to

init : a -> Model ainit old = { old | newField = 4 }

So where’s the problem?

2016-08-23 11:10 GMT+02:00 Charles-Edouard Cady <>:

> I'm not sure: I don't think I'll be able to define an init function like
> the following if I don't also have the "field addition" changes reverted:
> init : a -> Model a
> init old =
>   { old | newField = 4 }
> On Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 10:29:59 AM UTC+2, Janis Voigtländer wrote:
>> Is it correct that your issue could be addressed by not bringing back
>> arbitrary record extension in expressions via the pre-0.16 syntax { ...
>> | ... = ... }, but *only* bringing back constructor functions for
>> extensible records? That is, if from the table at
>> -docs/ only language change in the row “record
>> constructors that add fields” were reverted, but not the language changes
>> in the other rows?
>> Also relevant in this context, then:
>> m-compiler/issues/1308.
>> 2016-08-23 10:23 GMT+02:00 Charles-Edouard Cady <>:
>>> Greetings!
>>> I originally posted this on
>>> m-compiler/issues/985 which, as Richard Feldman pointed out, is
>>> probably not the best place to put it. I'll follow Richard's suggestion &
>>> be a bit less abstract.
>>> I'm building an application to help ship captains create routes. My
>>> question is about the organization of the model of this application.
>>> The application currently has one page containing three widgets:
>>>    1. A map showing the routes
>>>    2. A table showing the performances (eg. fuel consumption,
>>>    duration...) of each route
>>>    3. A profile widget showing the speed profile on the selected route
>>> It is structured in three layers of decreasing size (and increasing
>>> versatility):
>>>    1. The top layer, providing synchronization between the widgets and
>>>    the layout of the page
>>>    2. The widget layer (all widgets are independent)
>>>    3. The elementary widget layer (containing sliders, date pickers...)
>>>    ie. reusable components
>>> The reusable components have their own model, which is independent from
>>> the rest of the application: their model is initialized by their containing
>>> widget.
>>> The widgets, however, must share some information (eg. the list of
>>> routes) but not all (for example, the profile widget couldn't care less
>>> which route is hovered in the table widget, but the map widget does)
>>> because it complicates refactoring (changing the model one widget impacts
>>> the others) and makes it difficult to reuse widgets (eg. use the profile
>>> widget in a context where I do not need/have the fuel consumption).
>>> Now in Elm's architecture tutorial, there are two extreme cases:
>>>    - The same model is shared by all widgets
>>>    - Each widget has its own independent model
>>> I find myself somewhere in between: part of the model is shared by all
>>> widgets and is application-independent (eg. the waypoints of each route),
>>> part of it is shared only by two widgets and mostly concerns the layout
>>> (eg. route hovering) and part of it is not shared (and should not be) (eg.
>>> the sliders' state).
>>> At the top-level (Page):
>>> type alias Model a =
>>>   { a
>>>   | routes : List Route
>>>   , hovered : Maybe Int
>>>   , selected : Maybe Int
>>>   , map : Map.InternalModel
>>>   , table : Table.InternalModel
>>>   , profile : Profile.InternalModel
>>>   }
>>> The Profile widget might use a part of this model:
>>> type alias Model a =
>>>   { a
>>>   | route : List Route
>>>   , selected : Maybe Int
>>>   , profile : InternalModel
>>>   }
>>> while the Table widget uses another:
>>> type alias Model a =
>>>   { a
>>>   | route : List Route
>>>   , selected : Maybe Int
>>>   , hovered : Maybe Int
>>>   , table : InternalModel
>>>   }
>>> Just like @rgrempel in
>>> m-compiler/issues/985, I want each module also provides its init
>>> function to initialize its part of Page's model. With extensible
>>> records, I could simply do (eg. in Table):
>>> init : a -> Model a
>>> init foo =
>>>   {foo | table = initInternal}
>>> and for Page I would have the very clean and composible chain:
>>> init : Model
>>> init =
>>>   {routes = []}
>>>   |> Table.init
>>>   |> Profile.init
>>> So the extensible records were an easy way for me to build composable
>>> applications. With the removal of this feature, the init function can
>>> no longer be type-parametrized. This is really important so let me
>>> emphasize a bit: *no extensible records means init must know the full
>>> record it operates on*.
>>> So I decided to use @rgrempel's strategy, but in his case where all
>>> parts of his model were independent. The only workaround I found is to do
>>> the following for Page (top-level):
>>> type alias Model a =
>>>   { a
>>>   | shared : Shared.Shared
>>>   , map : Map.InternalModel
>>>   , table : Table.InternalModel
>>>   , profile : Profile.InternalModel
>>>   }
>>> init : Model
>>> init =
>>>   { shared = Shared.init
>>>   , map = Map.init
>>>   , table = Table.init
>>>   , profile = Profile.init
>>>   }
>>> When you loose extensible records you have to put all shared parts in a
>>> Shared record, which essentially means you know in advance how your
>>> widget will be used.  For instance, the data shared by the Profile and
>>> the Table widgets is not the same as that used by the Profile and the
>>> Map widgets and if I add another widget, chances are I'll have to
>>> modify the Shared record. This makes me sad because it breaks
>>> separation of concern. With extensible records, I could simply add the
>>> fields I need to Page's model & in the specific widgets & they would
>>> simply be ignored by the other widgets. Whenever I modify what is shared,
>>> I'm modifying the Shared record that all widgets depend on &o if I
>>> decide to use eg. the Profile widget in another application, it will
>>> quickly become unmanageable.
>>> As previously stated, as soon as you define an init function, the
>>> record it returns (or operates on) can no longer be type-parametrized (i.e.
>>> extensible), which means that if init returns the shared part, Shared
>>> is no longer extensible. If Shared is not extensible & you want to
>>> include Page in a bigger application, Page's model will have to be
>>> completely independent from the other widgets' model at the same level, ie.
>>> it will not be able to share part of its model with the other widgets.
>>> With extensible records, you could apply the same pattern to any number
>>> of levels, but as soon as you put shared data in a shared field you're
>>> basically stating once and for all what is shared by all possible widgets:
>>> that information is only needed at the application level (at the Page
>>> level), but it dribbles down to all widgets (which shouldn't care whether
>>> they're being used in isolation or not).
>>> Sorry to ramble on about this, but it's been a thorn in my side for a
>>> long time now.
>>> I would really appreciate any thoughts on this.
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