> I'm building an application to help ship captains create routes. My 
> question is about the organization of the model of this application.
> The application *currently has one page* containing *three widgets*
Sorry to ramble on about this, but it's been a thorn in my side for a long 
> time now.
> I would really appreciate any thoughts on this.

My main thought here is that I have had two kinds of experience building 
Elm applications:

   1. Structuring my application as simply as possible - starting with one 
   model, one view, and one msg type, not creating any "components" or 
   distributing state management in any way - and not worrying about 
   boilerplate or scaling problems I don't have.
   2. Doing something fancier than #1.

I have had a wonderful time with #1, and it has scaled incredibly well at 

#2 has brought me nothing but pain and unhappiness.

You are on the road to #2, so my macro-level suggestion would be to go back 
to #1. :)

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