> On Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 8:54:50 AM UTC+10, Eric G wrote:
>> - Is it better to use Dicts as the basic 'table' structure, if frequently 
>> rendering lists of items filtered and sorted in various ways? In short, is 
>> it better to convert a `List (ID, Item)` to a Dict for finding items, or 
>> convert a `Dict ID Item` to a List for rendering them?  I kind of am 
>> leaning towards `List (ID, Item)` as the persistent data structure esp. for 
>> data that is frequently rendered in lists, but would really appreciate 
>> hearing what peoples' actual experiences have been.
I find myself using Lists most of the time. Probably because:
- Lists is sort of entry level (consider myself still beginner in Elm) - 
all the tutorials are in Elm
- I find code for List manipulation easier to understand/ read.
- Lists are a lot easier to manipulate (especially sorting and filtering), 
which is what happens a lot in my code
- Many of the the lists I work with are not very long (so no performance 
need to switch to Dict)

> - How are people modelling so-called 'value types' ?  For example in the 
>> Albums/Artists if you had a `genre` type assigned to Albums. The genre 
>> types change infrequently, but perhaps the application still needs some 
>> kind of user interface to change them, which suggests they should be stored 
>> as data, e.g. `List (ID, String)`, with no special behavioral significance 
>> to the app.  On the other hand, in some cases you have value types that 
>> *do* have behavioral significance, such as e.g. User Roles, and it is 
>> tempting to want to have these map to Elm types instead of strings when you 
>> `case` on them in view and update. But this means duplication of server- 
>> and/or datastore- side data, and you still have to map your Elm types back 
>> to IDs.
I think you already answered this yourself :) The genre-like data, I put in 
my model as a separate List (ID, String). They are a List because for the 
program it does not matter how many genres they are, and what their names 
are. If the app has logic to deal with genres (e.g. filters), it will also 
work if the list has more items.

User Roles is a specific case: because it DOES matter how many options 
there are + your program needs logic for each role, Elm types do make 
sense. I wouldn't worry about the duplication: ALL server side data sent to 
client will of course be stored = duplicated there. And it is not uncommon 
to transform server data into different types at client side.

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