Yikes, this is a frightening thread to read. I hope this response isn't too 

I feel it will be too messy to keep all this inter-triplet logic here. Is 
> there a better way? Maybe  something similar to pub/sub or I'm 
> fundamentally wrong here? 

Well, yes, this approach is fundamentally wrong—but please don't feel bad! 
This is such a common beginner mistake that Evan wrote an entire section of 
the official guide <https://guide.elm-lang.org/reuse/> to try and prevent 
this from happening. :)

I know that Elm doesn't have the concept of components but *instead it has 
> triplets*. They should behave *similar to components*, they encapsulate 
> internal implementations. I use this concept in my App and I faced some 
> architectural questions. 

Emphasis mine. Here's what the official guide 
<https://guide.elm-lang.org/reuse/> has to say about this:

If you are coming from JavaScript, you are probably wondering “where are my 
reusable components?” and “how do I do parent-child communication between 
them?” A great deal of time and effort is spent on these questions in 
JavaScript, but it just works different in Elm. We do not think in terms of 
reusable components. Instead, we focus on reusable *functions*. It is a 
functional language after all!

Put another way, *Elm does not have anything similar to components!*

It's not about the word, it's about the concept. *Thinking in terms of 
"triplets" will lead to worse code!*

What is the proper or better way to communicate between triplets *without 
> breaking encapsulation*?

Emphasis mine again. The question presumes that breaking encapsulation is a 
bad idea, which implies that encapsulating state is a *good* idea. The 
answer to this question is:

*In Elm, by default encapsulating state is a cost, not a benefit.*

State encapsulation is super common in object-oriented languages where 
state is mutable. When we can't easily grant read access to some part of 
our state without granting write access as well, encapsulating mutable 
state lets us share code safely.

However, since everything is immutable in Elm, code is safe to share by 
default—meaning *state encapsulation has no benefit here*. It's just 
creating more work for us! The pursuit of state encapsulation leads us to 
think in terms of "parent-child communication" when we could be thinking in 
terms of simple function calls instead.

If we adjust our default thinking from "state encapsulation is a benefit" 
to the correct "state encapsulation is a cost," it completely reframes how 
we approach these situations.

The wording in the official guide <https://guide.elm-lang.org/reuse/> was 
chosen very deliberately:

*“how do I do parent-child communication between them?” A great deal of 
time and effort is spent on these questions in JavaScript, but it just 
works different in Elm. *

If we are asking about how to do "parent-child communication" 
(again—between "triplets" or "components" or "widgets" or whatever term you 
choose), we are heading down the wrong road!

The answer is not "here is how to do this in Elm," the answer is "we should 
not do this in Elm." :)

Okay, so what should we do instead?

For example, let say I have two "widgets", UserInfo and Ratings. 
In main "update" function I have this
> I have a button "Login" in the UserInfo widget. It will call backend API 
> and return the user state. 
> Then I want to load and update the Rating widget.
> How and where do this?

Let's take a step back. I'd like to know more.

   1. Where does this Login button get reused in the application? Is it 
   always in the same place in the header? Is it scattered throughout every 
   2. Is this a single-page application with multiple routes?

These questions matter to figuring out how best to make it reusable. :)

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