Thank you for this example. But I don't see how to properly trigger my 
"ratings" storage reload action if user state changed.

Another question, What do you think about pages separation?
For example, I have several independent tabs and one of the tabs called 
"Rating" and It has some grids with sorting and filtering, so the page has 
some local view-state and local actions related only to this page.
In the most examples with Navigation, I see something like this in the main 
update function.
 Ratings act ->
        ( ratings, effect ) =
          Ratings.update act model.ratings
        ( { model | ratings = ratings }, Cmd.map Ratings effect )
Each page modules in separate folder like /Pages/Ratings/ /Pages/Reports/ 
etc. Each folder contains minimum this files. 

Command.elm - Cmds like fetchAll

How would you do this differently? 

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