Now that 0.18 is out for some time, wouldn't it be better to focus on 
improving the documentation rather than already starting new features? The task 
page <> of the Elm guide 
has been empty for months while being one the core concept of Elm.

Is there any plan to have documentation on effect modules? On native code? 
I understand that those topics are quite complex and not at all for all 
users but with the ecosystem growing, more and more libs or production 
projects need to use them (just like Elm Core does) but I think most people 
only learn it by reading at other libs source code and trial&error, which 
is not the best way to develop a safe and sound project. We could put those 
pages inside "Advanced topics <>".

I would love to help but, as I just said, I'm not even sure of what I'm 
coding (even if it works so far...)

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