On Saturday, April 1, 2017 at 5:15:47 AM UTC+1, Duane Johnson wrote:
> The short term goal is to make a typed SVG library (as mentioned earlier, 
> fully typed and documented). Medium-term, I'd like to adopt some sensible 
> module partitions that help segregate functionality into logical units 
> (e.g. core graphics, animations, filters). The long term goal is to create 
> a pleasant and intuitive SVG library, something that will come from seeing 
> how we all use this in practice.

What are the immediate todos that need worked on? Is there a list of issues 
on the github project, for example?

I've set myself up an elm-reactor project to start having a play around 
with it. Will be aiming to render some of the various diagrams I need, and 
happy to start filling in the blanks once I run off the end of the road...

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