On Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 10:59:20 AM UTC+1, Jakub Hampl wrote:
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element#Text_content_elements
> <text> elements can contain quite a number of children that allow you to 
> do very precise formatting of the actual text content. There are plenty of 
> usecases like custom fonts, rendering text on a path, text effects, etc.

Yes. I suspected this might be the case. 

Perhaps it is more often the case than the simple situation of inserting a 
<text>hello</text> is?

How about this for the signature for a text node:

text : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Svg msg) -> String -> Svg msg

Lets you specify the actual text as a String, and you can supply empty 
lists if you don't need any attributes or other Svg elements?

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