I think this would be fantastically useful :) I've kept out of discussions 
regarding architecture as they've been going in circles for the last 6 
months or so. An example SPA seems like a great way to move forwards.

Something which every SPA I've ever written has included is a Store of some 
sort, an abstraction which mutates/queries for server side records and 
consolidates the results in the client. Perhaps it's my Ember.js background 
but from my perspective this is something that would need to be included.

On Wednesday, 19 April 2017 11:11:05 UTC+2, Peter Damoc wrote:
> Hello community, 
> Scaling Elm apps seams to be a recurring topic. 
> I was wondering if maybe we could negotiate a minimal set of 
> functionality, something similar to ToDoMVC, that could be implemented 
> using different approaches to explore what could be the best way to 
> structure the code. 
> What should this minimal example cover and what this minimal example 
> should be (topic)?
> I'll start the list with some bits of functionality that I would like: 
> - multiple pages with common structure (sidebar/navbar)
> - navigation without reloading the app (SPA routing without the hash) 
> - authentication 
> - complex widget reuse (a module/widget that generates side-effects; e.g. 
> a weather widget, some stock ticker, an ad provided by a third party)
> - styling (CSS)
> I would also like the example to cover real world concerns of: 
> - using a build manager to integrate with other technologies 
> - development mode - deployment build
> - testing 
> As for topic, I was thinking about an interface to the MusicBrainz 
> Database (a simplified interface).
> What do you think? 
> What bits of functionality would you like to see exemplified? 
> Are you aware of any other project (in other languages) that exemplifies a 
> minimal set of functionality and could be used as a template?  
> -- 
> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
> blog: http://damoc.ro/

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