> Marek,
> One difference might be that we don't deal with sign-in in SPA itself. 
>> We're using Html.programWithFlags and passing user info to elm on 
>> embedding. 
> Good stuff. Less work when you don't have to worry about auth states.

it's helping us a lot. Anyway this architecture is used even in js app and 
predates me joining project. Whole login happens on different domain with 
different service. Anyway it also means we have to do one XHR request 
before starting app.

this is example of idea I'm experimenting 
with: https://github.com/turboMaCk/elm-app-composition-example
that led to: https://github.com/turboMaCk/tea-component

we're not using exactly that right now. Also package itself is removed from 
package.elm-lang.org. It will be republished once I manage to change name + 
docs and I don't really enjoy doing that so I'm taking my time:D

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