On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 3:04:01 PM UTC+1, Christophe de Vienne wrote:
> A discussion around a concept of "middleware", able to define its own 
> Cmd and Sub that it could rewrite along with updating its own state 
> (which can be a part of the app model), would be interesting. 
> Cmd and Sub are pretty opaque beasts from where I stand, may be we can 
> already do such a thing. 

There are modules that build their own subscriptions, for example:


provides a function to build a subscription. This is just a convenience 
function; under the covers the animations are being iterated as a timer 
ticks, so the real Sub being created is a timer one.

So I think if you can define what flexible 'command' and 'subscription' 
constructor functions you think the middleware needs, and we can try and 
map those down to the simplest Cmd and Sub implementations that cover all 
the needed use cases, then that gives us what we would need to implement in 
an effects module. Essentially, it would be a messaging kernel that is 
flexible enough that any reasonable messaging application you like can be 
built on top of it.

I once had a great job, which was to be paid to work on an open source 
implementation of the AMQP protocol (Apache Qpid). In Java land the 
messaging API is called JMS, and it is just what I described above - a 
messaging API (and implied kernel) that is generic enough to fit most 
reasonable middleware needs and implementations.

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