Won't this break the reactor/debugger? You can't really tell what sort of 
messages is being passed around in your application with this model, if you 
want to export message history, it would fail as well I believe.

I think a better way would be to not have nested components. Keep your 
entire message hierarchy, and model structure, flat.

torsdag 24. august 2017 09.10.07 UTC+2 skrev Vlad GURDIGA følgende:
> Hey Elm-guys and Elm-gals! 👋
> I have this toy-project 
> <https://github.com/gurdiga/xo.elm/tree/9fe9bd1b9f7cb13b6653ec55d9e873033e8930ed>
> where I’m getting my feet wet with Elm, and I’ve found an approach to 
> compose view function that’s a bit different than what The Elm Architecture 
> recommends. 🤓
> Because I found message transformation (mapping 
> <http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/html/2.0.0/Html#map>) 
> between nested components to be counterintuitive, I left out messages, for 
> the most part. I only have one 
> <https://github.com/gurdiga/xo.elm/blob/9fe9bd1b9f7cb13b6653ec55d9e873033e8930ed/src/Main.elm#L33-L41>
> for the whole app: 🙃
> type Msg
>     = Update Model (Cmd Msg) (Sub Msg)
> update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )update msg model =
>     case msg of
>         Update model cmd sub ->
>             ( { model | subscription = sub }, cmd )
> Only the top component references it 
> <https://github.com/gurdiga/xo.elm/blob/9fe9bd1b9f7cb13b6653ec55d9e873033e8930ed/src/Main.elm#L64>,
> and from then on I use callback-style functions 
> <https://github.com/gurdiga/xo.elm/blob/9fe9bd1b9f7cb13b6653ec55d9e873033e8930ed/src/Dosar.elm#L31-L42>
> for wiring up the nested components:
> view : Dosar -> (Dosar -> Cmd msg -> Sub msg -> msg) -> Html msgview (Dosar 
> data) callback =
>     let
>         c data =
>             callback (Dosar data)
>     in
>         div []
>             [ h1 [] [ text "Dosar nou" ]
>             , Temei.view data.temei (\v -> c { data | temei = v })
>             , DocumentExecutoriu.view data.documentExecutoriu (\v -> c { data 
> | documentExecutoriu = v } Cmd.none Sub.none)
>             , Actiune.view data.actiune (\v -> c { data | actiune = v })
>             ]
> and also for event handlers 
> <https://github.com/gurdiga/xo.elm/blob/9fe9bd1b9f7cb13b6653ec55d9e873033e8930ed/src/Widgets/Fields.elm#L27-L34>
> :
> unlabeledTextField : String -> (String -> msg) -> List (Html 
> msg)unlabeledTextField defaultValue callback =
>     [ input
>         [ value defaultValue
>         , onInput callback
>         ]
>         []
>     ]
> It seems to work well so far, and coming from JS I find this style a bit 
> more familiar conceptually: I only have functions and values. 🤓
> I am at about 184K of Elm now, and I’m wondering if anyone else have tried 
> to do it this way and maybe found some gotchas that I should be aware of. 
> In particular, with regards to how the code compiles to JS and maybe other 
> Elm’s inner workings. 🤔
> Cheers! 🤠
> (NOTE: If you want to browse the code, please use this revision: 
> https://github.com/gurdiga/xo.elm/tree/9fe9bd1. After that I’m bringing 
> in elm-mdl <http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/debois/elm-mdl/8.1.0>, 
> and the code will probably get too noisy for the purpose of this 
> conversation. 🙂)

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