On Jan 10, 2008 4:58 PM, Ray Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, how long will you continue to ignore questions about the Micronas DRX3975D
> tuner respective Pinnacle 330e USB devices???

It's no tuner it's a demodulator.

> Do you really think that will
> solve your problems with the Linux kernel development team?

I do not have a problem with the Linux kernel development team, as far
as I've seen there are other subsystems out there with more skilled
maintainers than the media system that's all.

> Do you think that
> just because you keep us from using the the driver that you've obviously 
> already
> implemented (like you've stated several times yourself too) it will be helpful
> for your plans regarding getting your stuff into the kernel tree?

First of all I have many other things to do and this is not my main job.
Second if someone would have cared and would have followed the
development process it would have been possible to finish _all_ that
work around a 3/4 year ago.
Part of that process was always that I triggered discussions about
what I will do/and what I did, and nothing got discussed in a proper
way. The endresult of that is that my work has got ignored, even
though the project sites (all together have around 300.000 hits now

Now see why should I continue to deal with that useless stress? I can
simply do what those companies  want me to do and then I'm done with
the project, without having discussions like I had on the ML which
lead _NOWHERE_.

6th November 07:
13:51 <mrec> I'm moreover interested if your solution is as capable as
what I have at the moment
13:51 <mrec> if yes -> I'd be willing to start a second port using
kernelspace code, although I'll keep the userspace work active
13:51 <mkrufky> im in the middle of a refactoring process
13:51 <mkrufky> you shouldnt not take a judgement yet
13:52 <mkrufky> it is not complete
13:52 <mkrufky> er, typo
13:52 <mkrufky> you shouldnt make a judgement yet

so what should I do I depend on work which is not complete all the
time and my solutions aren't welcome, although on the other side I
have to complete some work because some other companies want to use
final solutions. If you call that opensource fine I don't call this
"open", it's just as good as closedsource what's going on there.

Also this device has a low priority since I got newer devices already
(not only media devices luckily!).

> This is the world of open source. Screw pride and give us that darn driver
> already, or at least /say something/!

ever thought that "opensource developers" also need money for life?


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