On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 08:41:22AM +0100, Pete Phillips wrote:
>     Tim> Its also interesting that you use tags for GTD context. This is
>     Tim> the way i use tags, and i have been wondering if anyone else
>     Tim> used them like this.
> I'm glad - I was in discussion with Carsten for a while regarding
> org-mode, when he came up with this brilliant idea of tags - as soon as
> he proposed it, I could see that it would fit into my GTD system
> straight away (I moved from a Zaurus list manager to org-mode+hipster
> last August, but have been using GTD since the original hardback book
> came out).

I thought it was a good idea as well, i'm glad it was implemented :)
Its perfect for keeping context on an item.

>     Tim> An interesting idea, one that i was kicking about for a bit
>     Tim> when i was using a hipster style PDA. I was thinking about
>     Tim> generating XSLFO or SWF based templates, and merging the
>     Tim> information into the XML template for printing. XSLFO is a
>     Tim> pain, so i went for SWF, which is a pain but less so. SWF has
>     Tim> the advantage of being scalable if designed properly, and
>     Tim> supported by inkscape, which makes creating templates easy. I
>     Tim> experimented with ImageMagick and an SWF based templates for
>     Tim> automatic processing. I got an experimental SWF template from
>     Tim> all things hipster: diyplanner.org. Unfortunately ImageMagick
>     Tim> did not support SWF well enough for me to want to continue :(
> Basically I used lyx to design the template and then exported it to
> latex to see what I needed to add from the perl script. I have a bit of
> experience with XML and XSL (our woundcare journal,
> www.worldwidewounds.com, is prepared using docbook XML) but I have never
> got to grips with the FO model.

It does takes some getting used to. I just realized that when i said
SWF what i meant was SVG.  I think SVG is the way to go. You can
easily create an XML template in Inkscape, the hard part is rendering
the transformed version outside of Inkscape for printing. I think
batik will do it, but i gave up on the hipster before i got that far.

>     Tim> In the end i opted for a paperless system.
> No good for me as I need something with me all the time. I find the PDA
> too slow, and the HPDA fast and flexible. Combining my laptop org-mode
> with HPDA has been terrific (for me - I readily acknowledge that this is
> a game of horses for courses).

I keep a copy of my org files on an MMC that i keep in my
phone. Easier to review and keep in sync.

>     Tim> I'd be interested to hear how other org users are implementing
>     Tim> GTD. If for nothing else that to be able to cherry pick ideas
>     Tim> that i can incorporate into my system.
> Me also.
>     Tim> My system is based around one big org mode file for personal
>     Tim> stuff and one for work. I can edit the file in other editors
>     Tim> (such as the one on my smartphone) and search for GTD context
>     Tim> via tags. The symbol :TAGNAME: is unique enough to search on
>     Tim> when i need context, and works to find tagged lines using every
>     Tim> editor i know of.
> Yep. By the way, you can also set up a shell script to mail your file to
> a gmail account every night, so you have unlimited (well, almost)
> backupand archive. I set up a special archive gmail account just for
> this. with 2.?? Gb of space, I won't be running out of space soon.
>     Tim> External editors do not support the org mode 'file:'
>     Tim> references, so i am strict about keeping only Next Actions and
>     Tim> possible Next Actions in the org file. I keep reference
>     Tim> material in a another appropriately named file in the same
>     Tim> directory.
> I keep the lot in one big file. That's the advantage of using outline
> mode - you can collapse gobs of text into nothing just by pressing the
> <TAB> key. Less to keep track of and remember, and makes the perl script
> -> HPDA doable.

I started doing this, but it quickly got out of hand for me. The stuff
is not hidden when you reviewing the information in an editor that does
not support outline mode.

>     Tim> I also make sure the context tags and the text of the item will
>     Tim> inform me of the project they are related to. So I don't need
>     Tim> the reference material unless referred to by the text of the
>     Tim> Next Action, and then only because it does not fit in one line.
> Yep - I need to make sure that the headline has enough info so that when
> printed onto the HPDA I can understand/recall what it relates to.

Do you have any interesting tools to help the weekly review? how do
you implement your tickler file?

The hardest thing for me at the moment is syncing the Calendar
information into my phones Calendar application.


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