Giovanni Ridolfi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : 

> I suspect that you may have an older version of Org-mode,
> [unfortunately I haven't my GNU/Linux Debian box in hand]
> could you please post
> a) the version information of Emacs (C-h v emacs-version <RET>) 
> and
> b) Org-mode version (C-h v org-version <RET>) ?


Please, accept i come in your exchange to tell :

I have exactly the same problem. My version of Org-mode was 4.43.
I replaced it by 4.56 and the bug is still present.

I guess my emacs-version or my gnus-version is responsible :

Gnus v5.11
Emacs (Emacs-multi-tty).

Hoping this may help to understand from where can come this bug...
Bernard Adrian PGP 031A938D

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