>>>>> "Eric" == Eric J Haywiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Eric> There is also tempo.el which may prove equally useful.  I
    Eric> don't have experience with either.  I would be curious to hear
    Eric> thoughts, comparision, contrast from an expert in both modes
    Eric> before deciding in which one to invest learning time.

I can't let the discussion continue without mentioning my own favourite
- dmacro.

We have been using this to provide templates for project reports (in
troff), as well as boilerplate for emails since 1992 (well, that's the
earliest RCS date I can find). Easy to make the templates, and it can
prompt you for variables, anmd insert timestamps etc. Great package. 



For some comparisons of template type packages.

I now use dmacro for templates I use in org mode.


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