>  Is there any way to sync org-mode with google calendar ?
>  And if not, is this planed/possible ?

Funny you should mention this. Just this morning I fetched the ics file
from my google calendar and imported the ics file into my diary
(icalendar-import-file "/here/is/calendar.ics"
"/there/goes/ical-diary"). If you then set org-agenda-include-diary
properly, you'll get the events from the google calendar in your agenda.

Pretty straight forward actually. You could probably automate this with
cron. To avoid reimporting the same events again you could have a
separate diary file for the google calendar and drop it before each
import. #include it in the main diary file. org-mode probably handles
this (not tested) as it just uses the fancy diary display (which is
needed for #include).

Would be nice to write a detailed tutorial about this. Any volunteers?


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