On Sat, Sep 29, 2007 at 03:30:23PM +0200, Bastien wrote:
> Vagn Johansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I just point google calendar to this file. The only problem I have had
> > is with google calendars timezone handling.
> Same here. I remember Carsten already tried to tackle this issue, and I
> guess Google is messing things up here.
> X-WR-TIMEZONE:CEST in the .ics file is correct for me.
> Since the difference between expected time information and the time info
> displayed by Google is of 2 hours, and since it's the default duration
> for an event, maybe Google is mixing DTSTART and DTEND in some way. 
> I'm not sure how I can digg this further. But this is really annoying.

Did you ever figure this out?  I am ramping up usage of google
calendar now, and have noticed this issue.  I am doing
org-export-icalendar-combine-agenda-files and then scp'ing the
resulting .ics file to a webserver with a secret filename, and created
a new google calendar via 'add by URL' which points to this secret
URL.  The file begins:

  PRODID:-//Adam Spiers//Emacs with Org-mode//EN

and I have google calendar set to Europe/London, but it time-shifts
all events in this calendar later by one hour.  Other calendars
streaming from scheduleworld.com work just fine.

I have tried tweaking it to 


but I think I will have to wait for google to re-poll the URL before I
know whether this works - there is no way to force it to reload.

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