Thanks - wow, I would never have found that!

Just testing it I noticed a small "feature" (possibly bug). We talked
about buffers being opened in the past when publishing. Now the project
publish is nice and quiet except for one case:

I break my site down to many subdirs each with an

If I open my "homepage" e.g ~/myweb/, and then publish the
entire project while in that buffer then any other "index" replaces it
during the publish process - it is was replaced by
~/myweb/projects/<2>" in the focused window. Not a day breaker
I admit, but still a slight "blip" in the otherwise super quiet publish

And the quoting works fine, thanks for the explanation.

Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi Richard,
> no, variables are not interpolated into quoted lists,
> any list preceded by "'" is quoted.
> If you can guarantee that the value of the variables is define at the
> time the
>   (setq org-publish-projects-alist ...
> is executed, then you can use backquote syntax:  Quote the main list
> with the backquote, and then preceed any variable inside you would
> like to have evaluated with a comma so
> (setq org-publish-projects-alist
>        `( .............
>            ,rgr-souerce
>            ....))
> Note that this works only once, so if you later change the value, this
> list will not be changed.
> If you wanted dynamic behavior, then we would have to patch org-
> publish.el.
> - Carsten
> On Nov 24, 2008, at 2:45 AM, Richard Riley wrote:
>> I removed directory names from my projects list thus
>> ,----
>> | (setq org-publish-project-alist
>> |       '(
>> |    ("web-extra"
>> |     :base-directory rgr-source  ;; **********************************
>> |     :publishing-directory rgr-publish
>> |     :base-extension "gif\\|jpg\\|jpeg\\|png\\|css"
>> |     :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
>> |          :recursive t
>> |     )
>> |    ("web-org"
>> |     :base-directory rgr-source
>> |     :publishing-directory rgr-publish
>> |     :base-extension "org"
>> |     :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
>> |          :recursive t
>> |     :section-numbers nil
>> |     :style "<link rel=stylesheet
>> |                      href=\"./style.css\"
>> |                      type=\"text/css\">"
>> |     :auto-preamble t
>> |     :auto-postamble t
>> |     :preamble (format "<div id='Content'><a href='../'>Back</a> -
>> <a href='%s'>Home</a>" rgr-home)
>> |     :postamble "</div>"
>> |     :author nil
>> |     )
>> |    ("web"
>> |     :components("web-org" "web-extra")
>> |     )
>> |    )
>> |       )
>> `----
>> I included an external file:
>> ,----
>> | (load-file "~/.emacs.d/.webvars")
>> `----
>> where I declares the variables:
>> ,----
>> | (setq rgr-source "/home/sh/webs/rgr/")
>> | (setq rgr-publish  "/")
>> | (setq rgr-home "";)
>> `----
>> C-h v on "rgr-source" gives
>> ,----
>> | rgr-source's value is
>> | "/home/sh/webs/rgr/"
>> |
>> | Documentation:
>> | Not documented as a variable.
>> `----
>> but when I publish the project or a project file I get this:
>> ,----
>> | org-publish-get-base-files: Wrong type argument: stringp, rgr-source
>> `----
>> I have a niggly feeling its going to be something obvious but what?
>> thanks for any info,
>> r.
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