Hi Richard,

no, variables are not interpolated into quoted lists,
any list preceded by "'" is quoted.

If you can guarantee that the value of the variables is define at the time the

  (setq org-publish-projects-alist ...

is executed, then you can use backquote syntax: Quote the main list with the backquote, and then preceed any variable inside you would like to have evaluated with a comma so

(setq org-publish-projects-alist
       `( .............

Note that this works only once, so if you later change the value, this
list will not be changed.

If you wanted dynamic behavior, then we would have to patch org- publish.el.


- Carsten

On Nov 24, 2008, at 2:45 AM, Richard Riley wrote:

I removed directory names from my projects list thus

| (setq org-publish-project-alist
|       '(
|       ("web-extra"
|        :base-directory rgr-source  ;; **********************************
|        :publishing-directory rgr-publish
|        :base-extension "gif\\|jpg\\|jpeg\\|png\\|css"
|        :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
|          :recursive t
|        )
|       ("web-org"
|        :base-directory rgr-source
|        :publishing-directory rgr-publish
|        :base-extension "org"
|        :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
|          :recursive t
|        :section-numbers nil
|        :style "<link rel=stylesheet
|                      href=\"./style.css\"
|                      type=\"text/css\">"
|        :auto-preamble t
|        :auto-postamble t
| :preamble (format "<div id='Content'><a href='../'>Back</a> - <a href='%s'>Home</a>" rgr-home)
|        :postamble "</div>"
|        :author nil
|        )
|       ("web"
|        :components("web-org" "web-extra")
|        )
|       )
|       )

I included an external file:

| (load-file "~/.emacs.d/.webvars")

where I declares the variables:

| (setq rgr-source "/home/sh/webs/rgr/")
| (setq rgr-publish  "/ssh:rgr.net:/home/sh/webs/rgr/")
| (setq rgr-home "http://rgr.net/default/";)

C-h v on "rgr-source" gives

| rgr-source's value is
| "/home/sh/webs/rgr/"
| Documentation:
| Not documented as a variable.

but when I publish the project or a project file I get this:

| org-publish-get-base-files: Wrong type argument: stringp, rgr-source

I have a niggly feeling its going to be something obvious but what?

thanks for any info,


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