On 7/23/15, Daniele Pizzolli <d...@toel.it> wrote:
> https://addons.mozilla.org/it/firefox/addon/org-mode-capture/
> The latest version convert html links to org-links (disclaimer: it is my
> little contribution).

this extension is wonderful.  all you have to do is install it and
then do what you want with it in elisp.  i use it with iceweasel
40.0.3 (rebranded firefox).

however, it (or org-protocol) is very flaky.  it works half of the
time, but sometimes it will do nothing and say "No server buffers
remain to edit" and sometimes it will capture the link but not the
selection.  it will also sometimes capture something else you copied,
which does not appear on the page whose link gets capture.

GNU Emacs 24.4.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.4.2) of
2015-01-11 on maritornes, modified by Debian

org 8.3

     "Protocol Link"
      ,(concat org-directory "/executive--a.org")
     ;; \nkill %c\nselect %x
     ;; %:initial is like %i in org-protocol
     "* [[%:link][%:description]]\n%(alpha-org-protocol-region \"%i\")"
     :prepend t
     :immediate-finish t
     ;; ensure it worked
     ;; just remember to go to prev buffer for where you were
     :jump-to-captured t))
(defun alpha-org-protocol-region (string)
  (if (= 0 (length string))
    (concat string " --")))



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