Hi Rasmus,

Rasmus Pank Roulund <rasmus.p...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I have got two questions.
> I am using Org-mode v. 3.16c. I usually use LaTeX but Org has been
> really nice. However, I want to export to LaTeX.

I assume you mean org-mode 6.13c?

> Two features are bugging me though.
>   1. Timestambs are really nice, but I don't want them in my final
>      print (the LaTeX output). Is there an easy way to remove these? 

You can control this option either with global settings:

(setq org-export-with-timestamps nil)

or with in-buffer options[1]:

#+OPTIONS: <:nil

As I'm testing this myself, however, I'm finding that this option
works fine for html export, but is not working for LaTeX export in org
6.17a. (Just to be clear: I'm refreshing the buffer settings with C-c
C-c before exporting.)

Strangely, when export with timestamps is turned on, only the last
timestamped item appears in the LaTeX export (e.g., the CLOSED
timestamp on an item that had been scheduled). But when I turn the
timestamp option off, all timestamps appear in the exported LaTeX
(e.g., both SCHEDULED and CLOSED timestamps).

I'm also finding that TODO keywords do not appear in the latex output
with the following option turned on:

#+OPTIONS: todo:t

Can anyone else duplicate this behavior?


Footnotes (courtesy of the wonderful new org-footnote-action):

[1] http://orgmode.org/manual/Export-options.html#Export-options

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