Hi Michael,

2016ko otsailak 5an, Michael Giepen-ek idatzi zuen:


> If the \centering would also be used for threeparttable or any 
> environment, there would be no conflict at all (I think).  I do not 
> really understand why why the center environment is used in the first 
> place: it apparently causes conflicts with several environments, but in 
> effect seems to be no different from the center environment.  

[ I assume you meant “no different from \centering” ]

This is because in your example the table is exported as non-floating.
\centering only works as intended inside a Latex group, which
non-floating tables are not (necessarily) contained in.

Perhaps we should use “{\centering” and “}” to center non-floating
tables – I’m not enough of a latex guru to know the pros and cons.  Do
you have a reference that documents how the environment version causes
problems, or are you speaking from experience?


> and adding
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :center

I think this should work, except that it needs to be written:

#+ATTR_LATEX: :center t

Aaron Ecay

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