On Tue May 10 2016 at 03:21, Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> wrote:

> * Bill White <bi...@wolfram.com> wrote:
>> Thank you all for the suggestions thus far.  I'll attach the org file
>> I'm working with:
> Being curious on your motivation: why do you use only plain list items
> instead of headings with paragraphs or headings with plain lists?

Mainly because I'm still playing around with possible formats.  Some
manual correction of the ocr text is required for each entry, which
provides a frictionless opportunity to add a little bit of list markup
and then get on with the next entry.

My final goal is a simple electronic version of the old Oxford English
Dictionary as outlined by Corey Doctorow
based on files at the Internet Archive - volume 1 is at

I'd like the thing to be as close to plaintext as possible with a
minimum of markup:
 - org list notation is minimal
 - it's useful within orgmode
 - it doesn't get in the user's way in non-emacs ecosystems
 - it avoids the endless quagmire of adding significant markup to such a
   huge body of text
 - it's a necessary first step for some other brave soul who wants to
   add markup & organization

But I'm open to suggestions & discussion - now's the time to play around
with formats to find the right balance between playing with words and
slogging through markup.  Perhaps this isn't the right mailing list for
that discussion, though.

Cheers -

Bill White . bi...@wolfram.com
"No ma'am, we're musicians."

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