On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:12 PM, Bill White <bi...@wolfram.com> wrote:
> But I'm open to suggestions & discussion - now's the time to play around
> with formats to find the right balance between playing with words and
> slogging through markup.  Perhaps this isn't the right mailing list for
> that discussion, though.

If it isn't then please post the name of that list when you find it.

I started out using only lists too because they are exactly as you
describe them.

Eventually I wanted to attach metadata to the lists, and now I love headings.

The case for Org-Mode only as a markup alone isn't very interesting
because it is competing against everything from SGML to ASCIIDoc. When
you throw in the community and infrastructure of tools and literature
then Org-Mode wins. It takes some time for it all to sink in though.

My gut reaction to learning Org-Mode (all aspects listed above) was
recalling this quote from Eric Weisstein:

"Created, developed, and nurtured by Eric Weisstein at Wolfram
Research" [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/]

Org-Mode makes it easy to do that with whatever document you are nurturing.

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