On 07/23/2016 08:53 AM, Jarmo Hurri wrote:
> Greetings.
> Request: An SVG file embedded in exported HTML should be embedded using
> the <img> tag instead of <object>.

I second this request. Right now, I use HTML code for SVG images, and
I'd rather use Org markup instead.

Scott Randby

> Short reasoning: The displayed size of the SVG image can not be
> controlled from outside the SVG file when embedded using <object>, but
> size can be controlled when embedded using <img>.
> Here is the longer explanation.
> The HTML exporter currently embeds SVG as an object. Here is an example
> of the HTML produced by the exporter:
> <div class="figure">
> <p><object type="image/svg+xml" data="kolmio-nelio.svg" >
> Sorry, your browser does not support SVG.</object>
> </p>
> </div>
> I have in the past couple of days found out that there is a serious
> disadvantage to this: the displayed size of the resulting web page image
> can not be controlled in any reasonable manner; see, for example
> https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/
> However, the size _can_ be controlled if embedding is done with an
> <img>. For example, the exported code above could be
> <div class="figure">
> <img class="org-svg" src="kolmio-nelio.svg">
> </div>
> I have included 'class="org-svg"' above so that embedded SVG images can
> then be distinguished from other images in CSS files. For example, the
> following CSS then sets the width of SVG images to be 80% of the width
> of the viewport.
> .org-svg
> {
>     width: 80vw;
> }
> Current embedding using <object> has a nice textual fallback property
> for browsers not capable of SVG (I have no idea if this support is
> necessary nowadays). If need be, such fallback could also be added to
> embedding using <img>. See
> http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/event_onerror.asp
> Jarmo

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