I disagree. A switch to <img> for SVG export (1) is not necessary for
scaling, and (2) would disable other useful features that are presently
available out of the box.

(1) It *is* a bit easier to scale SVG with <img> in HTML. But you *can*
scale SVG with <object> by putting the <object> in a container <div> and
scaling the container width and height.

This is actually simple with Org, which natively wraps the <object> in a
<div class="figure"> tag, and passes any attributes to the latter.  To
scale an arbitrary image.svg e.g. to 100px width, try:

  #+attr_html: :width 100px

Alternatively, you can use #+attr_html to set an id on the figure <div>,
and style it with CSS.

(2) You can also do other things with <object> that you cannot with
<img>, like manipulating the SVG with Javascript and styling it with an
external stylesheet (linked from the SVG, not the web page).

Raw SVG in the exported HTML is a third option that is very plain-texty
and supports all the mentioned features, but it tends to bloat files,
and doesn't encourage caching and re-using of an image across web pages.

To sum up, <img> makes the most common task simpler (scaling the
graphic), but at the cost of features such as interactive animated
graphics, which are possible with <object> or SVG islands.


Scott Randby writes:

> On 07/23/2016 08:53 AM, Jarmo Hurri wrote:
>> Greetings.
>> Request: An SVG file embedded in exported HTML should be embedded using
>> the <img> tag instead of <object>.
> I second this request. Right now, I use HTML code for SVG images, and
> I'd rather use Org markup instead.
> Scott Randby
>> Short reasoning: The displayed size of the SVG image can not be
>> controlled from outside the SVG file when embedded using <object>, but
>> size can be controlled when embedded using <img>.
>> Here is the longer explanation.
>> The HTML exporter currently embeds SVG as an object. Here is an example
>> of the HTML produced by the exporter:
>> <div class="figure">
>> <p><object type="image/svg+xml" data="kolmio-nelio.svg" >
>> Sorry, your browser does not support SVG.</object>
>> </p>
>> </div>
>> I have in the past couple of days found out that there is a serious
>> disadvantage to this: the displayed size of the resulting web page image
>> can not be controlled in any reasonable manner; see, for example
>> https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/
>> However, the size _can_ be controlled if embedding is done with an
>> <img>. For example, the exported code above could be
>> <div class="figure">
>> <img class="org-svg" src="kolmio-nelio.svg">
>> </div>
>> I have included 'class="org-svg"' above so that embedded SVG images can
>> then be distinguished from other images in CSS files. For example, the
>> following CSS then sets the width of SVG images to be 80% of the width
>> of the viewport.
>> .org-svg
>> {
>>     width: 80vw;
>> }
>> Current embedding using <object> has a nice textual fallback property
>> for browsers not capable of SVG (I have no idea if this support is
>> necessary nowadays). If need be, such fallback could also be added to
>> embedding using <img>. See
>> http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/event_onerror.asp
>> Jarmo

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