Bart Bunting <> writes:

> The error that is shown in the messages buffer is:
> Template key: 
> Capture abort: (error Key sequence C-c ! starts with non-prefix key C-c) 

I think this means that you have tried to specify the capture template
key incorrectly.  It would be helpful if you could show us the elisp
code that defines the template rather than the customize-option screen.
:)  e.g.:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
'(("a" "Appointment" entry
    (concat org-directory "/")
   "* %^{Description} %T %^G\n\n%U %?" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
  ("t" "Task" entry
   (file "")
   "* TODO %^{Description}    %^G\n\n%U %?" :clock-in t :clock-resume t))

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