
Here it is from .customize.

Several of the entries I do not use but thought I should include the
entire variable.

    (("t" "todo" entry
      (file "~/.org/")
      "* TODO %^{Todo} 
%?" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
     ("r" "respond" entry
      (file "~/.org/")
      "* NEXT Respond to %:from on %:subject
" :immediate-finish t :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
     ("n" "note" entry
      (file "~/.org/")
      "* %? :NOTE:
" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
     ("j" "Journal" entry
      (file+datetree "~/.org/")
      "* %?
" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
     ("w" "org-protocol" entry
      (file "~/.org/")
      "* TODO Review %c
" :immediate-finish t)
     ("m" "Meeting" entry
      (file "~/.org/")
      "* MEETING with %? :MEETING:
%U" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
     ("p" "password" entry
      (file "~/filing/p/passwords.gpg")
      "* %^{Title}
   %^{USERNAME}p %^{PASSWORD}p")
     ("P" "Phone call" entry
      (file "~/.org/")
      "* PHONE %? :PHONE:
%U" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
     ("h" "Habit" entry
      (file "~/.org/")
      "* NEXT %?
SCHEDULED: %(format-time-string \"<%Y-%m-%d %a .+1d/3d>\")
:STYLE: habit

Kind regards
Adam Porter <> writes:

> Bart Bunting <> writes:
>> The error that is shown in the messages buffer is:
>> Template key: 
>> Capture abort: (error Key sequence C-c ! starts with non-prefix key C-c) 
> I think this means that you have tried to specify the capture template
> key incorrectly.  It would be helpful if you could show us the elisp
> code that defines the template rather than the customize-option screen.
> :)  e.g.:
> #+BEGIN_SRC elisp
> '(("a" "Appointment" entry
>    (file+datetree+prompt
>     (concat org-directory "/")
>     "Calendar")
>    "* %^{Description} %T %^G\n\n%U %?" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
>   ("t" "Task" entry
>    (file "")
>    "* TODO %^{Description}    %^G\n\n%U %?" :clock-in t :clock-resume t))

Bart Bunting

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