Matt Price <> writes:

> Does anyone use org-annotate actively? I'm wondering what your
> workflow is, how you incorporate comments, etc.  

I wrote it, and I don't use it that much. I do use it for quick
notes-to-self when writing, but footnotes do the job just as well.

> I'm hoping to embark on a book project with a colleague. I would like
> to use org-mode if I can, but I need to get a sense of the
> collaboration workflow. When you work on projects together, do you use
> annotations? Or git pull requests? If the latter, od you use any
> filters, or any magit tricks, to approve or modify suggested changes
> chunk by chunk?  

It's a huge problem, and one that org-annotate isn't going to solve. I
do a lot of manuscript editing, and passing files around, and have only
barely gotten some people to accept my "weird" workflow, which is to
send them a clean version of an edited file, and along with that an HTML
file containing htmlized word-diff output, where the insertions and
deletions are colorized. They make further edits on the clean copy, and
I do another go-around. It's a huge pain.

> My colleague is familiar with markdown but for major projects has only
> ever used word. I'm trying to figure out how best to help her move to
> a text--based mode of production; the markdown ecosystem seems a lot
> larger, and I don't want the transition to be too painful. But OTOH I
> really want to stay in org if I can!

I wish there were better solutions out there!


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