Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

>    > Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:
>    > I think collaborators who have even a tiny familiarity with
>    > technological tools make the whole process much, much easier.
>    > Unfortunately I'm working with technophobes, the sort of people who
>    > call the browser "the internet", so I have almost no wiggle room at
>    > all...
> One of the annoying thing in collaboration is to use email that is why a
> server client model is more convenient.
> Hm, my collaborator is neither technical skilled but willing to use the
> command line, and he writes in latex anyway which requires some
> understanding your folks seem not to have.
> Another option you could use is LyX (and therefore latex of some sort).
> LyX has a tracker of changes similar to the one provided by OpenOffice
> and friends. It also supports some version control system (forgot the
> details).
> But then again that might all be too technical, shrug

I think I could easily convince people to use an online system, or one
that works in Markdown (which would be nice). The killer is the history
tracking: everyone's used to Track Changes, and it would take a real
revolution to dislodge them from that. Even I, the supposedly technical
one, screw up git regularly.


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