
First time poster and recently started using org-mode and so far enjoying it :)

One nag I do have though is how moving of basic lists are handled.
I constantly bump into "First item of list cannot move without its subtree"

Is there a way to avoid this error and instead be given the option to say "Please just move it up to the next level" ?

What I often have is that I during a meeting or brain dump do this:

* Some important topic
  - idea 1, some notes
  - idea 2, another note
  - idea 3, a third note

And then I go over these and I use the shift/alt+keys to reorder the ideas up and down and eventually I would like to do this:

* Some important topic
  - idea 1, some notes
  ** TODO idea 2, another note
  - idea 3, a third note

I know I can press a short cut to make it a top item, but why can't I just use the normal standard tree editing keys ?

Is there a way to have org-mode ask what kind of thing it should do when I move the lists "out-of-bounds" instead
of just error out on me ?

Thank you,

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