
pierre.techouey...@free.fr (Pierre Téchoueyres) writes:

> I reattach the examples, but note that  the cmd.txt or sh.txt extensions
> are only there to avoid my mail to be wiped out.

I must be missing something. When I install both patches, and I export
your example to, e.g., UTF-8, I get the following document, where coding
systems are not resolved.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
1 Pierre Téchoueyres

  │ @echo off
  │ echo Hello Pierre T├Üchoueyres ├▒
  │ rem Local Variables:
  │ rem coding: cp850-dos
  │ rem mode: bat
  │ rem End:
  │ #!/bin/sh # -*- coding: iso-8859-15-unix -*-
  │ echo "Hello Pierre Téchoueyres"
  │ # Local Variables:
  │ # coding: iso-8859-15-unix
  │ # End:

  and good ?
  │ @echo off
  │ echo Hello Pierre TÚchoueyres ñ
  │ rem Local Variables:
  │ rem coding: cp850-dos
  │ rem mode: bat
  │ rem End:
  │ #!/bin/sh # -*- coding: iso-8859-15-unix -*-
  │ echo "Hello Pierre Téchoueyres"
  │ # Local Variables:
  │ # coding: iso-8859-15-unix
  │ # End:
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


Nicolas Goaziou                                                0x80A93738

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