Hi Leo,

Leo Gaspard <orgm...@leo.gaspard.io> writes:

> In the process of migrating all my self-organization to org-mode, I
> noticed there is something that cannot currently be encoded in
> timestamps: fuzzy times, where an appointment is made for “Dec 4, Tue,
> evening” but with the hours not yet fixed.
> ...
> To be perfectly honest, my ulterior motive here is to auto-generate
> tasks “Decide of an exact time for [task]” a few days before the
> timestamp. However, I haven't investigated yet whether that'd actually
> be doable and I'm still pretty new to the lisp/emacs/org-mode
> ecosystems, so this may be completely impossible.
> What do you think about this idea? Is there a better way to do what I'm
> trying to do with current tools?

What about just adding a tag (:evening:, :morning:, etc.) to represent a
fuzzy time, with a plain date stamp, like <2018-12-04>?

That would allow you to easily create a custom agenda view containing
just entries with fuzzy times (if they have a timestamp with just a
date, you can even filter for those that are coming up in the next
couple of days).  Then when it's convenient, you can look at this agenda
view and schedule things that are still fuzzy more precisely.

Hope that helps!


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